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Our Story

Our generations have been working towards breeding the cows, and we at ‘PRASATTI’ as an FPO preach the mantra- “For farmers, With farmers, By farmers”. We don’t work with farmers, in fact ‘PRASATTI’ as an organization is run by farmers and as we stand by this, we can proudly say this is our ancestral work and we are not new to this, we are just finding more ways to serve humanity and make best reach to everybody.

There comes an occasion, though rarely, in the life of a nation, when it can be said that the time has come to make history. We are today at the threshold of such an era. Our agricultural system and educated population must show sagacity, wisdom and foresight so that we are able to make the best of this moment and make India a truly great nation. Such are the exhortations that really goad us, on and on.

How We Work

We ‘PRASATTI’ as Farmer Producer Organisation (FPO), work for the upliftment of farmers’ market share and profit share. We have set up chilling plants and centers for procurement of raw milk directly from farmers. This helps in  transforming the working culture which currently subdues the farmers’ value in the dairy industry. Over 15,000 liters of cow milk is collected on a daily basis directly from farmers at our two centers/chilling plants. The cow milk is then bifurcated into skimmed milk and desi ghee, which is afterwards transported to our partners in the market.

Our Cows

Desi Cows

Cross Breed

HF & Jersey

Product Life Cycle

Today, India’s 150 million dairy farmers produce more milk than any other country. The vast majority of these farmers are small land holders, owning just two or three cows.

The chilling centre pools, accepts and weighs the supplies of the milk from different sources, and checks the condition and quality of milk supplies. Milk is chilled immediately and stored till supplied it to the milk processor or Cream separator. Ghee is extracted from cream afterwards.

Final products Ghee, Cow Milk, Skimmed Milk, Paneer and Dahi is then supplied to the market to our channel partners and  customers directly.