Milk Lovers

One Touch Of Technology Makes The Whole World Kin

Since Ages We Do COW Breeding

We at ‘PRASATTI’ as an FPO preach the mantra- “For farmers, With farmers, By farmers”. We don’t work with farmers, in fact this organisation is run by farmers and as we stand by this, we can proudly say this is our ancestral work and we are not new to this, we are just finding more ways to serve humanity and make best reach to the world.

We emphasise it as ‘our’ product because we at ‘PRASATTI’ believe the product in true sense as ours- of producer (farmer) and consumer (you).

OUR– Only Unadulterated and Reliable so which means no adulteration and only pure reaches to you.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Satisfied Clients & Counting
Years of Experience
Test Performed Daily

When we said "Welcome To Nutrition", we actually meant that! We value your health and want to serve you the best.

We Love Nature

Cow’s milk is one of the purest and best thing that nature has provided us. No doubt, desi cows’ milk is best which is a major part of our procurement (90%), as most farmers prefer them for their high durability & birth rate. We also procure milk from cross-breed (9%) & HF-Jersey (1%) as they are dairy cows, but need better upkeeping which farmers usually avoid. 

Since we love cow breeding, we know very minute details about them as they are family. Cow milk and ghee change color according to ‘Ritus’ of native place.

It Is a Gift

According to the Ayurveda, Cow’s Desi Ghee is one of those rare substances that help balance Vata & Pitta in the body, which helps slow down aging. In addition, it increases Kapha. Ideally, the color of Prasatti cow desi ghee is yellowish, yellow or golden. It is never pure white, but it can be pale with light golden liquid on the top. The granular part of desi ghee that settles down is whiter than the golden liquid part of cow ghee. It helps to boost immunity, digestion, strengthens bones, helps in weight loss and many more.

In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.


A 'RABARI' Tribal Man With His "Beautifull Kankrej" Bull